British Secondary School
The Secondary School at Star, Mirdif is made of up students from Year 7 to Year 13 and is separated into three phases:
- Key Stage 3 (Year 7, 8 and 9) : where they follow a wide range of subjects and learning opportunities
- Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11) : where they begin their International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) qualifications and BTEC courses which are more practical and vocational in nature.
- Key Stage 5 (Years 12 and 13) opened in August 2023 : where a wide range of A-Level and BTEC Level 3 courses are offered to our students

An important step towards a successful future
The work covered in Key Stage 3 prepares students for the move to IGCSEs, therefore it is vital that students complete the full Key Stage to have the best foundations for IGCSE in Year 10 and Year 11.
Entry into A-Level and BTEC courses hinges on good outcomes in Key Stage 4 and therefore it is important to see the secondary phases as firm and long lasting foundational stones towards future success, including preparation for life, happiness and fulfilment beyond Star, Mirdif.
By offering a hybrid pathway incorporating BTEC subjects, GCSE and A-Level subjects, we aim to cater for an exceptionally broad range of interests and aptitudes. We are proud to be able to adapt the curriculum based on the interests and attributes of the student.
Why choose our British Secondary School in Dubai?
At Star, Mirdif, we focus on each individual student and support them to achieve their personal best, both socially and academically through amazing learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom.
Secondary School Subjects
The British National Curriculum consists of core and foundation subjects. The core subjects are: Arabic, English, Mathematics and Science, which are compulsory across Key Stages 1 – 4. In addition to the core subjects, we also offer other subjects for each year.
Key Stage 3 Key Curriculum subjects
- Art and Design
- Drama
- Music
- Geography
- History
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- Design Technology
- Food and Nutrition
Key Stage 4 subjects
Key Stage 4 marks the beginning of the GCSE course. Some of what is studied at Key Stage 4 is compulsory, the remainder of the Key Stage 4 curriculum can be selected from a wide range of options. We encourage students to choose their subjects based on their skills, talents and preferred way of working.
The following subjects form the programme of study at Key Stage 4:
Compulsory Subjects
- English Language
- English Literature
- Mathematics
- Science (Double Award)
- Arabic (Arabic A Students / Optional for Arabic B students)
- Physical Education
- Social Studies
- Moral Education
- Islamic Studies (for Muslim students)
Block A
Block B
Block C
Block D
GCSE/IGCSE Business Studies Design Technology Computer Science* Economics* French Fineart Geography Graphic Communication History Food & Nutrition ICT Psychology Triple Science* Psychology BTEC Performing Arts Travel & Tourism Sports Studies Business and Enterprise
Key Stage 5
In addition to securing their personal academic best, students receive strong pastoral, wellbeing and university guidance and support. There are also many leadership opportunities and extra-curricular activities to explore. Everything we do in the Sixth Form is directed towards the students being 'future ready' for life beyond Star Mirdif.
The following courses are available at Star Mirdif:
Our Key Stage 5 courses are listed in the blocks below. Students interested in a post 16 pathway at Star, Mirdif should talk to a member of our leadership team to discover and explore the best possible pathway for their final two years in secondary education.
Block A |
Block B |
Block C |
Block D |
A - levels |
Biology |
Chemistry |
Maths |
Physics |
English Lit |
Business Studies |
Psychology |
Economics |
Art (Offering 2023-24) |
Applied Science |
Business and Enterprise |
Travel and Tourism |
Hospitality |
Amazing Learning
Star International School, Mirdif, embraces the individuality of every learner. We support student learning through a robust, student-focused British Curriculum, and enriching extracurricular activities, and focus relentlessly on each child’s ability to amaze.
Learning is about getting better, academically, socially and emotionally. Amazing Learning happens when students surprise themselves by getting better to a level beyond which they thought possible. Whether through mentoring, enrichment or personalised study, Star International School, Mirdif, recognises and nurtures each student’s gifts and talents so that they amaze themselves and inspire others.